Hmm, I don't like that.
So, I started a post the other day. Saved it. Went back to it. Entirely re-wrote it. Entirely. And yet, it has published it under the previous date. Growl. This does not amuse me. So if you've got any interest in reading said mystery post it is UNDER "Rugby". I'm sure there must be a way round this (I don't need lectures on the subject though, ta) but I can't be bothered to look for it, I'd just like a nice big grump thank you very much. ;)
Have you calmed down enough to be told how to fix it?
Open the post to edit it again. Check the "Post options" radio button on the bottom left hand side. Enter the date you want.
I don't know if it's just me but when I try and open your comments page these days it just KEEPS ON LOADING IT until I tell it to stop. This is usually after I've lost at least 1 comment that I'm trying to write. I just need to know, is it you, or me?
And now I don't have a word verification. Wonderful.
(obviously I have fixed that last bit or I wouldn't have been able to post at all)
MM - hmmm!
Ellie - Umm, I've generally not been desparately happy with blogger since the whole beta thang - there are just too many things that don't seem to work quite as well as they used to and a lot more silliness at times. I don't have problems with my comments but I have at times had problems with others comments... I'm not one to fiddle overly with the settings so don't think it can be something I have done...I hope it starts working for you soon! And if you do think I might be able to do anything to make it better, let me know :)
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