Today I had a major achievement: I left the house all on my own, drove the car, and "did things". Several of the things were not very exciting but were things that needed doing and it feels good to be a functioning part of the human race again! (Not that functional though, I've spent the rest of the day recovering (i.e. reading Harry Potter 5...))
The final thing I did on my trip out was buy tickets to see Crowded House in October. I'm not a huge Crowded House fan - in fact I don't own any of their music. But they are a local band (anyone who tries to tell you they are Aussies would receive much mocking here) so we thought it might be fun. And then it turned out that they are being supported by our (probably) favourite NZ band, Supergroove. Much excitement ensued! Tickets went on sale at 9am this morning and by the time I made it to buy them around 11.30, they were close to sold out.
Anyhoo, not very exciting reading, but the most excitement I've had in the last few weeks. Yay me! Back to Harry Potter... (or maybe Trinny & Susannah and my knitting...)
Yay for you! I am writing this as a fully-finished-coursework-therefore
And whilst putting my portfolio into its (huge!) shoulder swingy plastic bag thingy, out fell a blue envelope. It would seem that I didn't post your birthday card... ;) Better late than never though, eh? Post office. Me. This afternoon.
Mwah! love you lots!
Welcome back! How exciting to see Crowded Houser on their home turf, worth leaving Harry for. By the way, I have a suspicion that all over the country (and world) people are not only re-reading book 6 but all of them in the run up to the final book. Several of my friends, and me, are :) Anne has only ever read all of them once as well - can you believe that?
Welshy - Hello real nurse! Huzzah! Good luck with the post office ;)
Ruthing - Yeah, it was pretty hard to get 5 or 6 out of the library, impossible from the central library, had to go traipsing! I decided to skip 4 as I felt I was running out of time and thought I knew it quite well...I'm regretting that decision now! Not long now!
Well done!!! Mini mexican wave for being so, um, functional and human again!
Crowded House!! I used to love them! I think I have an album somewhere even. That's going to be great fun.
I'm currently excited about having tickets for Joesph in November, with the beautiful Lee Mead. (Yeah so I'm in love with him, so what?!! :p)
Snoo! Lovely to see you :)Thanks for the mexican wave.
I was always amused by the "you know more crowded house songs than you think you do" adverts - so true!
Where are you seeing Joseph? I've not seen it since I was about 9/10 - i.e. before the big revamp. Just the two of you? Sounds great! xxx
The Adelphi in London. Just us 2. Probably going to go again next year with mum though!
I'm always reading your blog, by the way, even when I don't post. I lurk! Hope you don't mind.
Snoo - Hurrah! Hope it is great. :) My mum tried to lure me home with promises of the Sound of Music in almost worked! :)
And I don't mind lurking at all, not at all :)
Will have to send you Crowded House music if you're going to see them.
They're on at the Austin City Limits we're going to in Sept - so we'll find out what the Yanks (sorry that should be Confederates) think of them.
MM - Cool! Thanks! :) you should liase with Snoo to avoid overlap! ;)
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