Monday, July 23, 2007

Returning to the human race

It may surprise you from the title to find that this post has nothing to do with my continued recovery from surgery.
Instead, I am thinking of the final Harry Potter book that has absorbed my life for the last few days... (Before I go any further absolutely NO PLOT SPOILERS are contained in this post. I am going to say nothing of what I even thought of the book.)
So since Saturday morning, I have not been on the internet (excepting checking my emails - and even then some of them I decided not to open until I'd finished the book). I did not want to see a THING about the ending (or anything that happened along the way). BBC website - out. Facebook - out. Blogs - out. When HP6 came out, I didn't get to read it for a couple of weeks for one reason and another. Husbink read it before me and wasn't very good at hiding his distress at parts of it. I did however have a guardian at work who stopped anyone from talking about it in my presence which was very handy! But the impact of it was rather lost on me having seen others reactions even if they hadn't told me details.
This time I was determined to get through it as fast as possible so that I heard nothing at all about deaths or anything else from the media.
I was even afraid to go out on Saturday night in case someone in the group that we were saying thought it funny to "share" on the subject...
A trace obsessive?


Mad Medea said...

Well done for successfully sequestering yourself - as non-HP obsessive I just read the Wikipedia digest!

Ruth said...

Nope. I employed many of the same tactis (and went out timidly on Saturday night too). Finished Sunday evening at about half past ten.

I shall also say nothing :)

Love ya,

Ellie said...

I was very worried about having to employ the same tactics but, given that my work did not sell the aforesaid book and by 4pm no-one had spoiled the plot for me, our guest for the weekend very kindly went out to the next town to buy it for me and I refused to talk to anyone else until i'd read it, which was about 12.30am Monday.

As tactics go, it worked remarkably well :)

I loved it, by the way.

AdventuringJen said...

MM - shocking behaviour!! ;) The only thing I'd hear in advance (and was confident I could dismiss) was that Ron & Harry ended up in a civil partnership at the end of the book
Ruth - well done you! I was pushed into a monday finishing time due to double service leading duty on Sunday (which also required a saturday afternoon practice..) but I'm glad I got to take my time a little bit...
Ellie - well done! I'm sitting here desperately waiting for Husbink to finish! He's got about 70 pages to go I think...and I'm trying not to pull faces when he tells me where he is up to!

Rosanna said...

No, not obsessive. I employed similar tactics of locking myself in my room until Monday. No news and definitely no internet.

Well done making it without being spoiled!

AdventuringJen said...

Rosanna - I was very relieved! And even more relieved that Husbink made it without being spoiled as many of his work mates think that kind of behaviour funny! Pah!

SuzySnoo said...

Hurrah - I can return to the human too now!!
I was annoyed because after bying it from ASDA at midnight! I got ill and couldn't read it for days. But after staying up last night till nearly 5 - I am done!! Yay!

Was good but shan't say anything.

AdventuringJen said...

Ah ha! I had been worried because I assumed you were in hiding too but it seemed to be taking a while for you to come out of hiding, sorry to hear you were sick.
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