Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wanting to do everything

This morning, I didn't really fancy going to church, was not "in the zone" and as I am going tonight and service leading I thought it justifiable to not go. But Husbink reminded me that our new minister was doing the second of a three part series and last week was great so...
And indeed, our new minister is fantastic. Very gifted speaker. The trouble is that I now feel so inspired that I would like to go out and change the entire world this afternoon thank you very much! There are so many ideas buzzing through my head, very few of which I can do anything about at this point in time, that it is hard to sit still or actually do anything. Tricky. So instead I'm faffing about on facebook, not quite getting anything done. Silly me.
To make myself accountable to the big black hole that is the internet for the rest of this afternoon I shall...get sorted for leading this evening; try to finish writing a bible study that I've been mulling over for a while; do a bit of research into my latest not-really-a-job scheme; read my book (rather than continue to faff on facebook...)
Ask me how it has gone...


Rosanna said...

Faff on facebook? HA. Brilliant!

Sometimes my church is incredibly dull - other times, it is wonderful.

SuzySnoo said...

How has it gone Jenjen?!!

AdventuringJen said...

Rosanna - it is odd the way churches are like that, they ought to be the most amazing thing all the time. Hmm!
Snoo - Well, I got sorted for the evening...and I sent an email to a friend for advice on the not-quite-a-job scheme...I didn't read my book (but watched Allo Allo and snoozed instead so at least got away from facebook)...and the study, I just couldn't quite get into. So about 50/50!

SuzySnoo said...

50/50 is pretty good!!! :D

you gonna tell us what the not quite a job scheme is??

Mad Medea said...

Glad you've got a new vicar to rev you up - I'm off for lunch with the Chaplin today!

AdventuringJen said...

snoo - now you're asking! It is linked to the bible studies I've been writing and setting up a website and things... :)
MM - nice lunch? :) hope you are feeling better xxx