Monday, June 18, 2007


Tonight, I have to start taking some stuff to clear out my bowel in advance of my surgery on Thursday. It isn't going to be the most fun I've ever had but neither do I expect it to be the least fun so I'm not too traumatised.
So, anyway, yesterday we had to pop into the local shopping centre (2nd largest in the country or something like that - for those from Leeds think maybe two Merrion centres, for those from Camb, think a lot smaller than the Grafton Centre...for those from neither, think as you see fit!) to do a few jobs. Husbink suggested we divide and conquer. I assumed this was due to our 3rd anniversary being next week and this being our last chance to do anything about it. So I wandered and found nothing of great interest (3rd anniversary - leather?!) and went to meet Husbink at the allotted time.
When we got back to the car he pulled out the carrier bag he'd been hiding and plucked from inside a very fluffy, mostly purple sheep. "Happy Diarrhoea Day!" he declared with glee. He thought I might need a friend in the middle of the night...and she (as he's named her Beatrice) has a squeaky left foot so I can summon Husbink with her assistance...


Ruth said...

You married a dude! I'm glad he has brought Beatrice into your life and I hope she is a comfort and makes you smile a lot. I'll be thinking of you.

Amy said...

Wow! He has surpassed all... all... everything! Isn't he wonderful?! Beatrice sounds great - especially the squeakiness!
You will be just fine, furry Jen. You are brilliant (and repeat) xxx

AdventuringJen said...

Well, I've made it through the first dose, and it wasn't too awful. Actually taking the stuff was the worst part - it is vile! Nearly time for round two!
And I'm glad you both understand, a few people have been a little confused by Beatrice!
Love you

Amy said...

Oh, I know that the stuff is vile; patients hate it. I am really, really impressed with you :) Big hugs and love xxxx