Being Grown Up
Today, I feel like being grown up has been forced upon me. As many of you will know, I've had surgery twice in my life on my jaw. Although the second time I was 18 so technically I gave my consent, it had been rumbling on since I was 5 so there wasn't really a decision to be made at that point.
Today, I went to see a specialist and came away less than an hour later with a date for surgery (just over a month away) all booked in and ready to go. I also came away with lots of not very jolly information about said surgery and about my preparation for it.
Anyhoo, the point of all this is that I had to make the decision. And I didn't really get any time to ponder that decision. Husbink is at work so he couldn't help me. My mum was asleep on the other side of the world so she couldn't help me. I had to sign myself, as the patient, that yes, I'd have this, yes, they had my consent to talk to all relevant parties about me, yes, I'd have a blood transfusion if needs be, yes, they could do whatever necessary on opening me up, fundamentally yes, I would not sue them.
As my previous two surgeries were fairly hefty (5-6.5 hours each), I have never really considered a lot of routine surgery as that major, it would be something that I could take in my stride. And this particular instance definitely doesn't count as that huge. It will be all over in two hours tops. It could be over in twenty minutes. (Or there abouts...) And yet now that it is happening to me, it does feel rather more major...
Oh, you poor thing! Will this be the last of the surgery? xxx
Don't know exactly what to say really. Except I hope all goes well, hope it really helps and I will be thinking of and praying for you. Sometimes being a grown up sucks, though. xx
Well done for making the decision sweetheart. For my two cents I think it really is the right one. We need to get to the bottom of this.
Let us know when and then we can all pray/think positive thoughts for you (or dream them!).
Thanks P. :) See facebook inbox for more details! xxx
d/w - :) thank you. I'm torn between the "I just don't want to do this" and "but maybe, just maybe, lots of things will be lots better" emotions. Prayers will be much appreciated!xxx
MM - Thanks darling. And thanks for all the chats about it on the way through. Date is June 21 though I don't have a time yet. I will let you know more as it approaches. (Though I'll try to keep the details of the bowel prep to myself...) xxx
Big, BIG hugs! xxxxxxx
thanks W! xxxx
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