Friday, May 25, 2007

Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up...

It seems I'm not over my listy mood yet!
In no particular order:

  1. Journalist
  2. Geologist
  3. Vicar
  4. "Something to do with horses"
  5. Novelist
  6. Actor
  7. Athlete
  8. Educational Psychologist
  9. Astronaut
  10. Singer
  11. Someone with a PhD - cos my dad has one
  12. Bookshop owner
  13. Women's refuge worker

So most of these are out due to a lack of natural talent. Some of them are out due to the fact that I'm really not that interested any more (like the whole realisation of being scared of horses).

Strangely, writing this list has not suddenly made it clear what I want to do with the rest of my life. (Spot the person who is about to have to go back to a lot more temping and really, really doesn't want to!)


Ruth said...

You're a very funny lady. Did you never want to be an international woman of mystery? Or indeed a thacher (sp?) as I did? How interesting that we always aspire to things when we are kids - I wonder what footballer's wives aspired to be?

Lova ya. Thanks for the encouragement!
R :)

AdventuringJen said...

:) Thanks darling! International woman of, though I did leave off saving the world...does that count?

Chris said...

I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

It has been a particular pain recently (last couple of years!) as I have been looking at the kind of job that could turn into a career.

AdventuringJen said...

Would that be an accidental "turn into a career" sort of moment?
I do envy all these people with vocations...although I accept it isn't easy even when you've decided to become a doctor/nurse/vet/accountant that clarity that it is what you want to do must be great!

Mad Medea said...

This is where I regret not having a memory.... although it does come in handy sometimes. Hope Norman is settling in xxx

AdventuringJen said...

Norman is doing very well. quite a lot enjoying the different postures he can achieve! xxx

Anonymous said...

Wow, loving your lists thing. I am definitely going to nick this one! Although I'll change it so it's about me. Is that Ok with the whole blog etiquette thing?
Seriously though- growing up is scary, no need to bother with that just yet

AdventuringJen said...

Juliet - by all means, steal away!
Yeah, growing up just seems no fun at the moment (well, I guess there are some good bits!) though I'm yet to settle on an age I'd like to return to - I reckon 7 was pretty good...