Thursday, May 17, 2007


We have a house! We signed this morning and we move on Saturday!
I should really be packing now...
It is a lot smaller than where we are but feels really nice and cosy...and for winter, I don't think I'll complain about the smaller rooms. It also has an open fire but we are waiting to find out when it was last used...
And the best thing? (Besides being $100 a week cheaper...) is that the hills are right there at the end of the road. Ah...


Pomgirl said...

Yay! Now you can start breathing normally again...

Happy moving,


Anonymous said...

Yay! Answer to prayers. :)

Ruthie G

AdventuringJen said...

Pom - was kinda crazy...after we got the call to say we could have it my body just went a little mad for a while as all the stress came out...
G - Yay indeed :)

SuzySnoo said...

Much love from us.

AdventuringJen said...

Thank you Snoo! Lovely to see you again

Amy said...

Woop! xx

AdventuringJen said...

Absolument! xxx

Chris said...

That is a relief!

The whole living somewhere for set periods can be a real nightmare. What if you get a job somewhere far away but you have just signed into 6 more months on your rented property? Or you are about to come up to renewal time on your rental agreement but your prospective job is being a bit slow getting back to you...

... and I haven't even started on visas, a subject about which I know absolutely nothing (not that that would normally stop me you understand!) but seem to cause everyone a lot of headache and wine-abuse-inducing worry!

And one final thing... "Woop"?


What is a "woop" when it is at home?!

AdventuringJen said...

Chris - indeed, the rental world is a crazy one...just hoping, hoping, hoping that we can stay put in this one for the rest of the time we are here...wurgh.
And what is wrong with Woop? I would potentially query the spelling (I'd probably write whoop, but that might lead to connotations of small children vommitting...) w(h)oops of joy is definitely acceptable though...