Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Sydney Post

It wasn't the kind of holiday to go into massive detail over so here are some pictures and the odd thought or too. It was a chilling, family time. Great to see my brother, his wife, her parents. Great to be in the sun and be warm.

Great to visit the Domain and the Botanical Gardens, to lie in the sun while Husbink photographed bats.
Great to see the crazy ibis, the multitude of cockatoos - even if Husbink got attacked!
Great to walk, see the sea, paddle in the sea (both with our feet and in kayaks).
Great to go to the new wildlife thing in Darling Harbour.
Great to walk through the butterfly enclosure and make friends with the inhabitants.
Great to spend a whole afternoon having lunch, drinking wine, getting sunburnt, being with my brother. Great to be very silly after too much wine.


Amy said...

Lurvly lurvly pics :) but they're a bit overlappy on my pc - is it just me? xx

Mad Medea said...

Glad you had such a good time - I love fruit bats!!!!!!!!

Ellie said...

Looks like a fantastic time was had! :) Le Welsh, I think it may just be you, they're fine on my pc


Anonymous said...

Why was it a chilling family time, I rather enjoyed it, even if that bird did take a chunk out of me.

AdventuringJen said...

le welsh - they didn't come up as I wanted them too, but they aren't overlapping here...
MM - they are great aren't they?! We didn't make it to the best place to watch them at night but still "saw them around"
ellie - it was good. even though it got slightly cloudy one afternoon... ;)
Husbink - kind of you to comment! ;) does calling it a "family chilling time" mean I didn't enjoy it?! hmm?

doctor/woman said...

looks like a lovely break...wish i was there...glad you had fun. xx

AdventuringJen said...

d/w - it would be lovely to have you here! (which admittedly isn't there any more...!) it was a good break. :)