Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hormones. Grrr.

Or at least, that is what I like to blame my currently abysmal mood on. I imagine I should not be surprised after being chopped open and having had various of my more tender innards prodded and scraped and set free that my dear little chemicals have gone slightly doolally. But that doesn't make me any more pleased about it. Mostly, Husbink is catching the majority of the flack. However adverts are having a tough run of it too. This afternoon it was the radio advert that told me "more people use the yellow pages" - more than what?!!
This evening I have mostly just grumped in private as Husbink has been out carousing with work people. I suspect this is a good thing. I shall try to keep my thoughts to myself for the next few days...
(and then blogger had a hissy fit and crashed...that didn't help matters!)


Mad Medea said...

Strokey, strokey, quiet down there...... have some Tranquility tea or NZ equivlant... hormones will settle down.... shhhhh

AdventuringJen said...

Today I have had the manic least Husbink was allowed to laugh at this!
I'd majorly overdosed on Tranquility before coming away so didn't bring any with me. *Just* starting to miss it!! xxx