Not enough clothes
I'm surviving this whole work malarkey. Today was the first time I did a whole day of work in a long time...some time in June when I did the horrific call centre job...
The work is really interesting (for a temp job) and today I spent 4.5 hours in a meeting all about improvements in the prison service. It was very interesting to compare to other public sector organisations I've worked in.
But my big problem, as the title gives away, is that I simply don't have enough work clothes anymore. I have a couple of work skirts...but where tights fight on me I'm still a little sore from surgery (which is beginning to bother has been eight weeks or so now and surely I shouldn't hurt anymore...) so I'm a little limited in how I can wear the skirts (my one pair of hold ups are just going round and round the wash...but I've also become vaguely allergic to the holding up bit...). And then I have a pair of trousers that indicate that yes, I really was a lot thinner when we arrived in NZ than I am now! And another pair of trousers that I just close my eyes and pretend really hard that they are smart...
And all my "smart" tops are falling to pieces, cos we only meant to spend a year here... Actually, that is a point in general, everything we bought when we got here to last us how long we were meant to be here is beginning to fall to pieces...can it all last to February?!
Are you in need of a Next care package? Give me the product IDs and sizes and a few £12 work sweaters and £20 work trousers can be winging there way to NZ - you can pay me back whenever or never!
oh no! do they not have good shops over there? I have found stockings with suspenders more comfortable than either tights or hold ups - and they are sexy too, which is an added bonus! although maybe not what you are thinking about if still sore from surgery....
MM - ooh, maybe! I'll let you know. :) Thanks! xxx
d/w - I'm not kiwi shaped, I can sometimes find things that fit me but not very often...
Perhaps I'll try out the suspenders option sometime... :) xxx
i'm intrigued...what shape are kiwis?
more appley than me so "the trouser thing" as I like to call it is an even bigger problem (as in something that fits my hips/thighs/bum is huge on my waist) generally, kiwis are a little larger too - not as in obese, as in big boned - maori and pacific island influences
Doctor/woman! You quite made me blush! ;) But I did have a "pear; apple; kiwi...?" moment until I realised you meant the people... aha! It sounds like you need to eat more of that cake to become Kiwi-ish! And MM is great with her Next care package idea! I say go with that even if things will last.
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