After a skype chat with Snoo and The Hub this morning, one of The Hub's questions (What's on the front page of the newspaper there?) prompted me to think this might be an interesting might not be...mostly, it will only be if you all join in!
So today, on the front page of the Dominion Post, Wellington's newspaper is: A banner across the top telling you to go to Sports Extra for "Is this the Kiwi cup hope? They're calling Efficient a champion" with a pic of a horse - I somehow feel Efficient is rather an insulting name for a horse. A kind of "gets the job done, nothing special" sort of name. Then there is another banner to go to World News for "Saddam Death by hanging" - I'm guessing this will be front page news most places...
We then get to the articles..."Fireworks madness: Attacks, robbery, drunken revelry" - main gist of article is all the trouble caused over the weekend by fireworks and people apparently going loopy because of the fireworks. Thus should the sale of fireworks to the public be banned before Guy Fawkes next year (yes, they have Guy Fawkes night here. Which maybe isn't soooo bizarre...) Generally it seems that fireworks get majorly out of control here and cause generally insane behaviour.
"NZ cops branded mercenaries in Fiji" around the whole Fiji threatened coup and why NZ has sent four extra policemen to support the NZ high commission in Suva.
There are then ads for various other parts of the paper with headlines such as "100 days of hell"; "Brethren's blackmail"; "The Royalist and the UFO"; "Fun with Pumpkins". Oh and there is a weather summary. For eight different cities regions it goes: rain; cloudy; rain; showers; rain; rain; rain; showers. Oh goody!
So that's my front page today. You? (Internet versions are allowed if they are what you read)
Saddam, of course. And apart from that just lots and lots about the Melbourne Cup which takes place tomorrow, and is a bank holiday for everyone living in Victoria. It's all hats and horses here!
Can't bear to look at the Guardian yet, so here are the top two headlines from the Guernsey Press & Star:
Heads will roll
Deputies are backing Guernsey Press calls for the Policy Council to release minutes of the meeting that cost taxpayers £2.4m.
Q. That is rather a lot to splash out on coffee and biscuits....?
Church raider sent packing
A church going woman came face to face with a man armed with a mallet and crowbar who tried to steal a donation box from the Town Church.
Q. Is compound adjective 'church going' really necessary considering the crime took place in a church?
That was a funny post!! I don't know if it meant to be, but it made me laugh. Apart from Saddam, which made me cry and I don't know why.
Last night/this morning was so fun!!!! I know it was rather random with huge gaps of none talking, and then crazy stuff but we loved it anyway.
I don't read/watch the news coz it makes me stressed so I hope this counts. It's a celebrity news thing from America. There is a competition to win a poster of "The Fountain" with the lovely Hugh. Everybody say mmmmmm. Oh and Rachel Weisz. Jennifer Garner got a parking ticket and was lovely and smiley. Nicole Richie went to a guitar shop with ex boyfriend DJ AM. (What kind of name is that?) And Angelina Jolie went to the UN commission for refugees and wore a loose wrap which made everyone think she is hiding an early pregnancy.
Sorry for the huge comment!! :)
Pom - The only time I've been in Melbourne was around Cup day...we were leaving on the morning itself and it was a little surreal to suddenly find ourselves in a hostel full of people in posh dresses, big hats or flash suits. Not what you expect. Hope you survive the madness!
Mad Medea - Aren't local papers great? I nearly put in the Hutt News as well but it was almost a week out of date (being a weekly paper) so resisted. And great articles too. Mmm, biscuits!
Snoo - Random was good - seemed normal!! ;)
Thanks for the celeb gossip perspective, the poster sounds perfect for our household! And I know what you mean re Saddam, it is strange. And whatever the person has done I still don't believe in corporal punishment. We had a debate last night about whether it will actually happen. Hmm.
This is me not writing, again. Sorry.
Hope the html gunk works.
More procrastination. This is just for me.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Taunting me! You are taunting me Snoo! I managed to find Hugh but the links were grumpy with me (apparently I don't have the rights to view eye candy!) Ah well. Husbink very pleased at the prospect of another film with one of my three and Rachel Weisz! I haven't checked in on your word count yet but shall do so shortly...
Le Tart can't figure out his third! I keep pressurising him but both Philippa F and Louise Redknapp haven't made it. He has mentioned Sara Blizzard though - I knew he would! And apparently Emma Bunton is in the running... I am now choosing to believe that the reason he can't decide is he only has eyes for me (Andrea Corr is his long-time love and Roxanne Pallett is all part of his mid-life crisis of course. He doesn't read Jen's blog - yet- so I know I am safe!) xx
We can't have that!
This should work.
Doesn't anybody fancy Natalie Portman anymore?
Le Tart's third is apparently Ferne Cotton! And no, seemingly they don't fancy Natalie Portman any more. Strange.
Must be the hair!
Thank you Snoo! Much better! And a particularly good Brendan. And David actually - I'm not normally a particular fan but good pic!
Very glad le Tart's 3rd is not Emma Bunton!! Especially after you'd placed such good choices before him. Poor Natalie...
Have to say I do have a soft spot for Brendan. Glad David gets some appreciation. Ooo don't get me started on his yummyness. Must watch X-files now...
I went away and considered the pics afterwards...I'm worried it still indicates that perhaps I haven't got over my teenage thang for "hair"...
Happy X-Files!
Mmmmmm hair.
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