Never, ever, ever again
Spin classes. Who came up with that bright idea for torture?!
I thought I was going to die after about five minutes. It took me most of the rest of the day (the class finished at 10am) to be able to breathe deeply again without wheezing and coughing.
I'm not even sure I got much benefit from the class as most of it was damage control: how am I going to get out of here without puking my guts up or dying? Eventually, my knee started to hurt, what a blessed relief! I could rub my knee and pretend that was why I was so awful at the class.
Husbink went to. He has almost persuaded me that it was really good for me and that I should go again. But I think that *almost* will stay an *almost* forever...
In other news...I scare people. I was aware of this when I was a teenager, but I'd forgotten. Hey ho.
Jen I can't imagine you scaring anybody anymore. Really I can't. Was it a child?
And I am totally with you on spinning. My gym have a bank of bikes in the corner for it and I can't think of anything worse. We grew up in Cambridge and do not need to prove our biking credentials :)
Spinning is punishment for really bad people. That is the only explanation. My gym has just started something new called "Fitness cycle"; this is described as "spin, but without music". I didn't think there was anything worse than Spin but I think this could probably be it. I don't think you ever scared me... ;) x
PS word verification "hodnfmqh" - that's what I think to spin!
ruth - i think I scare them in the same way i always did. however, this week has seen various deep thoughts occurring and it bothers me rather less that I scare people. i don't think anyone outside cambridge understands what growing up in cambridge and bikes means never, ever, ever being able to wear a tight skirt!!
le welsh - yes, I think you are right. and what on earth is this fitness cycle?! that sounds horrific...hodnfmqh to that!
and no, i can't have scared you, we were too busy scaring other people together!!
Ah... I had forgotten about the joint scaring... :) It must have been a very good sort of scaring for me to be getting married though! ;) x
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