Thursday, October 11, 2007

Good things about wet days

I love it when the clouds come down low, so low that they seem to be where they should not be. So low that they hug the hills, hiding parts of them. So low that it feels like I could run up into the hills and be in the clouds. Cuddled up in a great big ball of cotton wool, hiding and hidden. I know if I did run into the hills, I wouldn't be able to tell when I reached the middle of the clouds, that it would be cotton woolly, just as I know that if I jumped out of a 747 at altitude, the clouds that look so wonderful, as if they would be the perfect ski fields, the perfect place to play and rest, would not be. This knowledge stops me doing these things but doesn't stop me looking and imagining.

I love that all this rain makes it so easy for mummy and daddy blackbird to bring food to their new chicks. I love that I could look out of the window at almost any point yesterday and see one of them flying into or out of our hedge bringing food or going to collect more. I love that when there was no sign of the blackbirds I could instead watch the thrush (also building a nest in our hedge) hopping over the water logged lawn, tipping his head to listen for the insects.

I love the wonderfulness of coming inside again. Of finding that it is warm and is dry. Knowing that I can stay warm and dry as long as I like. I like the excuse wet days give for cups of tea and bisuits. I love being inside watching outside.

I love the sound of the rain. Sometimes, it is so loud that it wakes me in the night but lying there listening to it is wonderful.

I love that even the smallest excursion into the outdoors feels like a wonderful and noble thing, something to be rewarded for.

I love what it means, that I know it will stop and when it does, the ground will be refreshed, the grass a little longer, the flowers a little more fed.


doctor/woman said...

I enjoyed reading this post. thanks. am agreeing with you on all of this. Rainy days are quite good when you are on nights and you can lie in bed listening to the rain and thinking that everyone else is out at work in it.

AdventuringJen said...

d/w - you're welcome. :)
I can imagine that is a good feeling too. Hope the nights finished ok and you get to enjoy whatever recovery time you have. xxx

Mad Medea said...

are you sure your not on happy pill that I should also have access to?

AdventuringJen said...

heh heh! I think something that makes a difference here is that it is almost always PROPER rain - so it is cool to watch. And seeing as I don't work much and don't HAVE to leave the house at set helps!