Thursday, September 27, 2007

Things I Don't Do Enough

1. Breathe

Not normal breathing, but slow, deep breathing.

I went to yoga this week for the first time in quite a while and after that first five minutes I was ready to leave - not because it was bad but because I'd done what I really needed to do. I'd sat still, comfortably but with good posture, and I'd focussed on my breathing. Slow, deep breaths. I felt instantly amazing and healthy.

2. Go to this cinema

Husbink and I went for a date on Tuesday afternoon. The cinema is small and lovely and has a cafe. We went in to watch the film, sat down on our two seater sofa, cushions and all, me with a pot of earl grey (I'm still liking coffee but I'm back on tea too!), Husbink with his moccachino and had a thoroughly enjoyable time.

3. Watch

As you are by now all well aware, I "do" a lot. I have lists, I must achieve! But watching, like deep breathing, is so good. Today, I'm watching the rain (and being grateful for my long socks and little heater). But watching the sea, watching people, watching birds, watching flowers in the breeze, watching sun and shadows...

4. Stop procrastinating

This week, I've been writing two talks and a reflection for our church's women's retreat this weekend. It is my top priority at the moment, I really want to do it - and to do it well so that the women get something out of the weekend...and yet, here I am. So much of this week has disappeared in a fog of procrastination!

5. Smile

It's not that I don't smile a lot anyway, but I think that is an area where there is always room for improvement.


Mad Medea said...

Hope the retreat goes well. Good to see you smiling! Must book a skype soon xxx

Amy said...

Is it ok to be a bit weepy cos this morning I woke up thinking "I do miss Jen so much" and then there was this blog post...? I do love you! :) Retreating and cinemaing sounds sublime - I am sure there's a case for retreating at the cinema... ;) xx

AdventuringJen said...

MM - retreat was good :) I'm probably very free over the next few weeks so plenty of chance for skyping (we are back to 12 hours apart now) xxx
le welsh - ah, I'm sorry! but yes, I think it is ok! I love you too!
Retreating at the cinema sounds a great idea! We do have a young adults event there soon... :) xxx