Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Something is wrong...

For years, since about the age of 8, I've been a tea drinker. It's not that I haven't dabbled in other hot beverages - I've been quite committed to hot blackcurrant at times, the occasional hot chocolate and so on. But for the last few years, since uni really, I have been a very dedicated tea drinker. Those of you who know me will already know that my tea drinking is a little "different" (weak and black) but it is still tea!
But this last week or so I've been getting bored of tea. I've not really been enjoying my morning cup of tea, sometimes I've even skipped it, and I've certainly not put the kettle on again for seconds.
But what is really, really odd is that I've been craving coffee instead... I've sometimes dallied with liking coffee in the past but have mostly been put off by it not liking me. (I would expand to double my normal size within a few minutes of drinking it...people would ask when the baby was due...) In the UK I could ONLY drink coffee from Costa - Starbucks, Nero anywhere else and boom, blowing up like a balloon.
But here, I have been slowly discovering, I can drink coffee. And Husbink got an exciting new coffee pot thing last week that makes really nice coffee. And a zizzer so there can be frothy milk too. And now I'm wanting coffee. Which is just very much not me (I think le welsh will confirm). I'm wondering what aliens abducted me without my knowledge...


Ellie said...

Another coffee convert, woohoo!

Tea drinkers beware! :)

Amy said...

Actually wanting coffee?! Ooh... scary. Where has my best tea drinking friend gone? What have you done with her? Next you'll be telling me that you don't mind which mug it's in?!
love you!

AdventuringJen said...

ellie - so did Aus convert you? If so, how is UK coffee shaping up?!
welsh - I know! But it is ok, I think I'll still mostly want tea more...once I've settled in! And don't be crazy! Of course I still care which mug it is in!

Ellie said...

I've never drunk tea actually, I grew up the only coffee drinker in a tea drinking family (my father loved it but it gave him blinding headaches so he rarely drank it) and have been been sorely put upon over the years to make the drink that I don't have!*

The best coffee I've ever had was Spanish espresso. Wonderful! UK coffee about the same as Aussie.


p.s. do not mention the rugby

*although I have to admit, the very day I typed that comment, I had a craving for green tea before I went to bed. The first full cup of tea I've EVER had. Maybe the world needs to balance out - as you drink more coffee I drink more tea!

AdventuringJen said...

tee hee hee! I like the idea of tea/coffee balance!
I'll do my best not to mention the rugby (other than to say didn't Georgia do amazingly well?!). I'm just worried that NZ are so sure they are going to win, they should but should doesn't necessarily mean anything...