Saturday, February 03, 2007

No longer procrastinating

Well, I just about have my sermon for tomorrow evening written now... I had been going to blog earlier when I was really struggling but the combo of a bit of exercise and a shower woke me up sufficiently to get my sermon mostly written.
Which has, unsurprisingly, set me thinking.
I'm talking about Jesus' character and lead into this by talking about the three words that we'd use to describe ourselves and how they compare to words used to describe Jesus. At the end, I'm going to challenge people to use the next year to try to become more like Jesus in one particular area.
And so it has set me thinking about what I want/need/should change about myself. I don't really feel I can challenge people to do something if I don't intend to do it myself.
At the moment, I think my three words for me are "hard working, enthusiastic and a worrier". Now clearly, I'd like to get worrier out of there. But what characteristic of Jesus do I want to replace it with?
I'm talking about Jesus' humility, creativeness and compelling personality.
I'd love to be more creative. I'd love to be a more compelling, attractive sort of person. But I'm not really sure if they are directions God would want me to be changing in? I'm not sure they are top of the list of things that need to change about Jen.
Humility could definitely be an option. I guess "not worrying" or "peaceful" could also be an option.
What do you think? Either about me (please be sensitive!) or about you? If you are a Christian, how would you want to become more like Jesus? If you aren't, what would you like to change about yourself this year?


Anonymous said...

What an interesting post. Thinking about you, I would perhaps use the word 'reflective' (not in the cycle strip wearing sense!) because you think about things a lot (some of which turns into worrying). Reflecting suggests thinking about something which is past, whereas worrying is about possible future scenarios, so how about trying to move towards reflecting?

I did an exercise recently where we had to think about the way we go about everything in our lives, summing it up in a verb and a noun, eg. 'bringing happiness', 'unlocking treasure', finding solutions' etc. It should apply to the way you are at home, work, church etc and can take ages to 'get'. I still haven't 'got' mine, I think 'supporting' is my verb but I don't know the noun. What would be yours?

Unknown said...

How about joyful? That's something that we are all called to be in all circumstances.

Maybe you can still be realistic in having concern for what is going on but still remain joyful that regardless of the outcome there is still no reason to be anything but joyful. Maybe.

AdventuringJen said...

Thank you both that is really interesting and helpful. I shall ponder "reflective" and also "joyful". Hmm. (Pondering already, makes making sentences hard!)
The verb/noun description is also intriguing. I'm with you rg on "supporting" being your verb. "Progress" as a noun? I.e. supporting friends' development, new communities at work, changes at church?
As for me... I'll have to think on that one for a wee while. I'll come back when I have an idea. :)

doctor/woman said...

Too late for your sermon now, but thought I would leave a comment anyway. If I am praying and trying for one particular quality of Jesus it would be not to be so scared of what other people think. He definitely didn't care about this to the extent where he shook the establishment and people hated him. Whereas I spend so much time wondering if people like me and worrying what they would think if i shared my faith. It is very sad and stops me from getting anywhere a lot of the time I think.

Just wanted to emphasise the point as well that while our ultimate aim is to be like Jesus we can't manage it on our own and need God to work in us in order to get anywhere (or i do anyway) I know I can have all the good resolutions in the world, but without God's help I can't get anywhere. "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Cor 3:18

doctor/woman said...

looking at my comment again, i hope it doesn't sound patronising - i am sure you covered that stuff in your sermon about God changing us vs us changing ourselves. also wanted to remind you of another obvious truth - God loves Jen lots just the way she is! worries, warts and all. hooray for God!

AdventuringJen said...

Hello doctor/woman (I was going to shorten your name but I thought it would then empahsise one half and ruin the name...argh!)
Absolutley! (And don't worry - both did emphasise that in the sermon and don't think you were patronising to put it here!) And thank you for the positive words - I'm reading a great book about grace at the moment and it is really turning my attitude around as well as my understanding of God's grace and love, hurrah!
And I know what you mean on the fear of people front. It is so hard. I keep thinking I've reached a point in life where I am happy with who I am don't care what others think etc etc etc...And then I realise I just haven't challenged that for a while, I've been all comfy with my friends instead. So hard!

doctor/woman said...

if you want you can call me d/w or just woman. just don't call me doctor, i get enough of that at work!

AdventuringJen said...

tee hee hee! d/w works well I reckon! :)