Tis Done
Well, I have been and had the overly-fretted chop. I did not, as Welshy rightly commanded, say "do whatever you think" but neither did I have the lengthy discussion that might have been useful. However, I think I'm happy with the outcome though not 100% sure about the styling currently - she was slightly more in Louise-who-wants-it-to-be-the-80s-still's camp (my last Leeds hairdresser) than the Naomi-who-can-make-my-hair-beautiful-and-sleek camp (the lovely Harrogate hairdresser who did my hair for Mad Medea's hen night & wedding). Thus I exited the salon a teeny weeny bit more puffy than I might have liked but it is settling down happily. However, I don't think I'll be returning to that salon as it HURT. Really. Not as much as getting my hair put up for my brother's wedding (for those that don't know that story, I actually couldn't speak she was pulling my hair so hard!) but still more pain than I want from a meant-to-be-relaxing hair cut. Hey ho. So. Here it is.
Apologies for the quality...Husbink is at work so it involved setting the camera to timer...waving my knee about where I thought I'd be sitting to give it something to focus on...and speedily scooching across the floor, hoping to be in the right spot...The things I do for you!
Ooh, I do like very much!! Very swish! Although am very concerned about the pain bit - that's not right! Was it like that awful time in Hair Cuttery where you and Em had a lovely time with haircuts and I had the probably-not-even-qualified girl with scratty hair and nervous disposition?! x
Tee hee! That was a ridiculous day wasn't it?! No, she had decent hair herself and clearly knew what she was doing... Glad you like! My only problem (now that it has settled) is that she didn't listen to my "it's gone all bushy round the ears, please fix" plea so I'm still al bushy round the ears. Will be buying straighteners tomorrow!!
And recovery from the pain didn't take too long...xxx
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