Monday, October 16, 2006

I am highly contented this evening despite the storm outside. (I don't think Husbink will be contented if it is still like this when he has to cycle home at midnight...) I've almost finished my temp job; on the way home from work I met up with a chap from church about the possible job there (all very exciting and no doubt blog-worthy in its own right soon); I get tomorrow and Wednesday morning off due to almost having finished job (so get to see Husbink despite unpleasant 2pm-midnight shifts); best of all, I found a present in the kitchen when I got home...a brand new mug...a brand new New Zealand mug...a brand new New Zealand mug with sheep on! And my teapot sitting next to it all ready to help in the christening ceremony. So I'm sitting here happily with a lovely mug of darjeeling (as the "champagne of teas" it seemed the most appropriate) ready to attempt a picture-ful post as requested. (I also had lengthy problems with which biscuits to celebrate new mug with...ultimately the caramel tim tams won...)
So pictures.
This weekend, we went to Napier. It was lovely. Very windy on Friday night and Saturday morning but actually warm! And Sunday we would have become very sunburnt very quickly if we had not maintained some semblance of sanity!!

This was our first evening in Napier (you can almost tell it is me in the pink t-shirt can't you?!!) and we'd just had a cheeky pint in an Irish pub (the closest thing to a proper pub we've found here) so all was well with the world.

On Saturday morning (in slightly less delightful weather) we made our way to an estuary/wildlife reserve and watched many a birdy (birds are just so cool here, maybe it is just because they are different but they seem so much more interesting!) Many of you have been subjected to my wildlife pictures in the past (like the infamous "seal colony" picture...) but here's perhaps a slightly better one for you. We have bought a bird book and think we know what this is...but the bird book is in the car and Husbink has the garage keys at work...

Well, at least you can tell it is a bird! Telephoto lens here we come!

Saturday afternoon was spent in a very friendly winery where we tasted about eight wines on the house and purchased five of them. Fortunately there are no pictures of how very much my cheeks matched the pink t-shirt...

Sunday was glorious weather and we spent a while on the beach taking pics, skimming stones and "running away" (very flat good stones for skimming and really quite a flat sea but I'm USELESS at the whole thang... excellent beach for running away though...the seagulls were even joining in) So a couple more mine, one Husbink's. I'm SURE you can guess whose is whose...

And then it was time to head on home. A beautiful drive with just one picture to give you a tiny idea (really couldn't believe it when we were driving up on Friday. Amazing)

So there we have it. A picture-tastic blog for you that I hope has kept the need for pictures at bay for a little while!


Amy said...

Ooh! What a lovely blog post! The pictures are all beautiful and I'm glad you found a pub! That beach looks very similar to the beautiful cove the Tart drove me to - very serene and wonderful! Mmmm...
I'm afraid the pictures have only fuelled my desire for more though - sorry! x

AdventuringJen said...

Husbink even found something that he was prepared to call beer (even if it was too cold) in the pub! (It's mostly lager here - though interesting better-than-fizzy-water lager)
Glad you like! We are going to do a photo album soon so hopefully that will keep you happy...but I'll keep on the look out for pics appropriate to blog!

SuzySnoo said...

Great pictures.
Glad you and husbink have your own specialist areas! Hope you do get a telephoto lens.
Zoom in. Zoom out. Zoom in. Zoom out.
Much fun.

AdventuringJen said...

He threatens to steal my specialist area if said lens is acquired! But at least I have a head start! ;) Glad you approve

Pomgirl said...

Loved the photos, honey. I recently became slightly obsessed with what I considered an unusual looking bird, which kept coming back and munching on the yellow flowers in our garden. It had such a cheery whistle and made mad darting flights. I searched on t'internet and couldn't find it, and was convinced I had discovered a new species. How exciting! I named it the green-backed Pom bird, and then I found it on a website called Birds in Your Backyard, and it is a honeyeater and is endemic to Australia. Pah! I still like it though.

AdventuringJen said...

Hello Pom, glad you enjoyed the photos. :) Sorry to hear you haven't found a new species, very disappointing! Hope it keeps amusing you for hours to come. :)