So early today I started a big long old whinging post about MMC, life in general, hormones, blah, blah, blah.
Fortunately for you, my tummy rumbled so I went to feed it and didn't come back til now (hours later) in a rather better mood. Not the kind of better mood that convinces me that tomorrow will have less tears in it than today but the kind of better mood that comes from buying new shoes and eating cake.
New Blue Shoes. (I had a children's book called "New Blue Shoes" and so I always get doubly excited when the new shoes are indeed blue. Husbink often tries to persuade me that blue shoes aren't always a good thing. He does not understand. On this occasion however, he likes them. I've looked on their website and they don't have a picture and I'm just too tired from all the crying to get into photographing my new trainers on this occasion. Sorry. But they are blue with brown bits. Kinda like my old school uniform...) (What a long aside.)
So anyway, a quick summary of the naffness:
Sheffield (yes, that's right, all of Sheffield) shouted at Husbink last night. They didn't say anything we weren't expecting but they chose to do it through the medium of shouting.
I've had a really naff few days one way and another. Tempting as it is to go into it all, I'll resist.
My hormones are currently mental. Yippee. I love being female. Hoo-blooming-rah.
I think that is it. Mini-rant over. Now I'm just running really late for a going out that I wasn't sure I wanted to do anyway. Tally ho!
Aw, pet. I'm sending pom hugs and cheery arm pummels a.s.a.p.
Take care xxx
Hurray for New Blue Shoes! For someone who is married to someone who doesn't always see the value of Blue Shoes, you do own a fair few pairs, don't you (or at least you have bought a fair few pairs in the past)?! The Tart has never expressed any preferences on the col... oh, wait! He doesn't like brown; most of my shoes/boots are brown... Hmmm. A trend, anyone?!
Anyway, bad bad Sheffield! They are not very nice! Our trust is better... (that is probably a lie, although we do have a new super duper hospital (with leaky rooves) but I wanted to make you come here instead! (Is 'rooves' spelt like that?))
Word verification 'dedqeh'. That's what we think to nasty pasty Sheffield!
Bad sheffield... I might just have to yell very loudly back next time I pass by on the M1.xx
rar! what is going on? has the country decided that dedicated expensively educated young doctors are just too useful and we'd better get rid of them all to the Antipodes somehow? Sorry. I am so sorry you are having upsetting times. miss you. love and hugs xx
Pom - Thank you. Especially for the cheery arm pummels as they made me giggle too. (Still day dreaming about a lego dumbledore...have told Husbink now...he was "quiet".)
Welsh - I've had a few pairs, not too many, I'm probably just a whole heap louder about New Blue Shoes than any other. What was most impressive was that when I wore them for the first time today, my minister noticed within five minutes of being in his company! Trouble is on the MMC thing that it really has very little to do with how good any individual trust (or indeed, individual) is. Hey ho.
MM - Yes! Shout, shout!
d/w - Husbink had a good chat with his mum today about how it is. And so we feel a little more positive. She also told him the story (that you may have heard) of a woman working in NZ who did travel home for the interview...but when she got there she found the consultants had thrown such a strop over it all that they'd cancelled all the interviews. She had no choice but to fly back again. It makes us feel a little better that we decided that $1800 and a week of annual leave was too great a cost for an interview! Miss you too. (BTW, how have BT and GB got on?)
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