Chin Up
So I have been allowing myself to creep into a bit of a downward spiral of late. Not feeling so good has led on to a whole heap more of not feeling so good.
After a conversation with Husbink yesterday, I decided I needed to take matters into my own hands and start getting on with life a bit more again.
Unfortunately, I have gone from one extreme to the other...
Today I have:
Had lots of blood taken for tests
Bought zips, thread, stuffing, and frilly bits to make cushions with
Been to the library
Been to the i-site to try to sort some stuff for the arrival of Scouse Dangermouse and Mr S.D. in just over two weeks! Yay!
Finally tracked down some decaf earl grey
Mostly made one of the above cushions
Done lots of internet hunting with regards to the arrival of SD and Mr SD
Done some gardening
Cleaned the bathroom
Run the dishwasher
Read a Latin book (more of this later I suspect)
Watered and fed my tomatoes
Sorted some washing
Now, I feel lousy! But at least I feel lousy for a different reason. Tomorrow, I shall attempt a more balanced approach to "getting back to normal"...
There was a whole heap of bad telly accompanying the cushion making...from Dr Keith and his show on virgins (he was treating them like they were a different species) to Tyra and her show on girls flashing their boobs for some big porn company thing (I generally can't stand Tyra but somehow get sucked in...) to Oprah and her weight loss boot camp (after the first two, this was quite relaxing!). Crazy days.
hooray for decaf earl grey! always a good staple for the tea cupboard when you are a decaffienated freak like you and me. sounds like tv in NZ just as bad as here...
Having achieved so much in just one day you are clearly now allowed just to drink your decaf earl grey for the next two days :) Yay for that!
And yay for the Scouse Dangermice! xx
d/w - I brought some out with me and then saw it in shops...but as soon as mine ran out, it ran out of the shops too! Much relief yesterday to find some again. NZ TV is pretty "special"... xxx
Welshy - As it is chucking it down today AND Husbink is off, I think a day of nothing very much but tea is definitely called for! xxx
Two words PACE YOURSELF! We must book a skype chat soon. xxx MM
Yes indeed! (On both counts :) )
Feeling a thousand times better the last few days, possibly almost normal hormones...ahem! Yeah, right.
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