Sunday, June 07, 2009

An Excitable Pregnancy Post

So I've been having lots of nerves this past week - is everything still ok after the scan? Is the baby growing ok? Heart still beating well? Etc...Etc...
So this morning I made Husbink listen to my tummy. He really, really didn't want to because he thought if he couldn't hear anything I'd just get more stressed. I assured him that wasn't possible but that maybe he could reassure me. So after some wheedling, he had a listen. Then pulled a face that really, really alarmed me before saying "do you know what? I think I can hear it!" so after a few moments of chattering, he said "can I listen again?" and this time was very confident that just by sticking his ear against my tummy, he can hear the heartbeat. Very exciting! When he gets home this evening he's going to try to get his stethoscope nicely positioned so I can hear too. :)
I do still have moments of complete confusion at the thought that there actually is a baby growing inside me. It isn't some abstract concept, there really is something in there. Crazy!


Pomgirl said...

Ooh, do you have an ickle bump? x

AdventuringJen said...

I'm not sure! If that doesn't sound too stoopid...I've been so bloated it is hard to tell what is baby and what is, ahem, gas...but I think I do, just a very little one... xxx

Amy said...

When my friend for whom I was birthing partner was pregnant one of the consultants used the renal ultrasound machine to scan her! It was very exciting and he highlighted the heart and kidneys so we could see them moving!
I think I am even more excited by a Jen-bump though :) Meadowhell soon! ;) xx

Amy said...

I had to comment again because the word verification is "trapons". I don't know what it should mean but trapons, Jen, trapons! He he... x

AdventuringJen said...

I think trapons might be rude...!
And did you mean to say Meadowhell? tee hee! appropriate I think!