Making Mistakes on the Internet
This post is going to be hard to write without adding to the things that are on the internet that shouldn't be. I will be intentionally vague. I hope you can still keep up.
Someone I know has made a bit of a hideous mistake and put something on the internet that really should not have been there. They are going to lose their job. Which seems to be an increasingly common issue with the internet and email doesn't it? There was something or other on the news this morning about people being fired because of Facebook comments/posts/pictures/whatever. I didn't listen too much but you'd have thought people would start to learn some time soon, wouldn't you?
Anyway, as I said, this post isn't really about that, that is just the scene setter. What this post is about is gossip. You see, I knew a little about this particular issue before today. I should not have done. I mostly wished I didn't. But I didn't do anything with my knowledge and I didn't stop the conversations.
Today has been a free for all on the "victim" amongst mutual acquaintances. It has been discussed from all angles - the funny side (there is one, albeit a rather cruel one), the stupid side (which could also be the disbelieving side) and the wider implication side.
I do not know how to extract myself from conversations of this nature but I don't really want to be part of them either. Correction - I would like to not want to be part of them. I feel uncomfortable with them but I still want to know what is said, enjoy the chewing over that such discussions have.
This is something that I go through on a fairly regular basis. How to extract myself from conversations I do not wish to participate in...but equally don't want to be left out of.
There are bitchy conversations, complaining about one person or another.
There are cyclical, depressing conversations that just get people lower and lower.
There are conversations where I simply don't want to know.
I didn't think I did well at all at distancing myself but someone did tell me last week that they were amazed by my patience because I never seemed to join in one particular string of bitching session. This has given me a little bit of hope for keeping going with the attempt. Any wise thoughts, little tips or evergreen conversation turners?!
Although I'm not entirely innocent (is anyone?) at avoiding the 'bad' conversations - and bitching in private happens more than it should with me. But I do often find myself sitting in a group with a conversation going on in which I don't want to generally I just keep quiet, don't make any affirmative noises, and when I can change the topic. No wonder tips though.... xxx
Hmm... An interesting question...
I try to be very aware of what I post on Facebook. I have all sorts of contacts as friends, and it's a small enough industry for things to travel and travel quickly...
Having had some experience of the sharp end of such chatter, it can be quite damaging, but I know I'm not innocent.
What might be the relating of a relatively innocent piece of news or concern or so on can easily build up momentum can't it...
I empathise- I do experience similar problems- occasionally, this happens at school etc, and I don't quite know how to withdraw. I agree with Medea- keep quiet, or try to withdraw, or try to add something positive to the conversation. Difficult though...
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