Growing Up
Over the last few months with one wedding and another and various large social events, I've run into quite a few people that I haven't seen for years and years. And it has been lovely.
I realised the other day that I kept dreading bumping into people from school or whenever because of one ex-friend (and I don't know why they are an ex-friend. Really. No idea. They just stopped talking to me. I did something. I don't know what...very, very weird!). Whenever I run into him it is deeply uncomfortable. He just doesn't seem to be letting go (of this mystery unknown thing. And there is a thing because other people know what it is and won't tell me. Anyway.)
So I'd been dreading running into various people. The kind of people who were friends of friends at school. Sometimes we got on. Sometimes we didn't so much. It was always fine-ish though. You know?
I'd tarred them all with this same brush, I assumed that they all harboured some secret grudge against me that I was never to know of but was to spend every wedding and big reunion regretting despite my lack of knowledge as Husbink and I sat in the corner ignored by all and sundry. Me? Paranoid?!
Not so. It turns out that most of us have grown up! That it was lovely to run into people, find out what they'd been doing, what they are doing, what twists life has taken for them...
It was just reassuring to discover that fundamentally, most people are rather nice when it comes down to it.
I had a similar thing happen. Someone sent me a text one day saying that they didn't appreciate what I'd done and they havn't spoken to me since. To this very day I am completely in the dark about what it was that I might have done or said or anything, no one else could tell me and she wouldn't. Go figure.
I've been actually amazed at how many people I used to know that have contacted me. People change, you are right, and it's been great getting to know people again :)
I ended up discussing this whole thing with a friend yesterday. We came up with a theory as to what I did wrong. No idea whether it is true but I'm going to pretend it is cos at least it then makes sense!
And now I'll just focus on the nice ones :)
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