Friday, December 14, 2007

You know you have to laugh at yourself...

I was just sent a quiz on facebook by a friend who is about 16...
It was a "how old are you?" quiz and she had come out at 22.
So I thought well, why not...
And I came out as...6! Which makes me quite happy. I may spend today being a 6 year old. Only, one that can drive a car...(actually, saying that the batmobile was my favourite car probably has a lot to do with the outcome...but the choices were really bad...)
It is only slightly alarming that they decided I was 6 after I'd said my favourite drink was wine...


Ruth said...

Ooo, forward me the quiz! Being a 6 year old is good - old enough to have lots of fun, young enough to be a bit silly and not bored at things :) Love ya!

AdventuringJen said...

heh heh. yeah, I thought 6 was a pretty good age. You don't worry about anything when you are 6...even I didn't!