Thursday, December 14, 2006

How old am I?

Yesterday I was driving to the costume shop to organise the wise men, Mary, Joseph, the angel's wings and Herod's crown for the Christmas production at church. As I reached the end of the high street I became aware of the thud thud thud that accompanies boy racers with extra bass and giant speakers... It kept coming with me but I couldn't spy an appropriate car at all. It eventually was hurting my head so much that I shut the windows but it just got louder. By this point it was so loud that my car was shaking! As we've been having some car problems recently I was a little alarmed and thought perhaps it wasn't a barry-boy but instead was something very peculiarly wrong with my car. I was just approaching a big roundabout and feeling really quite scared cos the car was shaking and I didn't know what was going on and it was the kind of sound that was so inside your head that I was feeling disoriented and sick...when the culprit drove past me. (It was a really stupid looking car and not particularly racery at all but that is by the by). The car said on the back "If its to loud u r to old" (sic). I actually sat at the roundabout a few seconds longer than necessary letting it get away. And deciding that I quite liked my eardrums so was quite happy to be too old...
On the way home from said costume shop, I went to Pak 'n' Save to grab a few bits. And saw some outrageously cheap wine so thought I'd grab it while I was there. I reached the checkout and the girl was quite young so when she picked up the phone after putting the alcohol through I wasn't surprised. She then asked me to step to the side so that her supervisor could see me. I did. The supervisor looked skeptical. The checkout girl asked for ID. I gave her my UK photo driving licence. She said into the phone what ID I'd given her and the supervisor decided she had to come over. She looked at my licence and asked if I had my passport on me. Which I didn't. They looked back and forth between me, the ID and each other, clearly getting a little anxious. So I put them out of their misery and said I'd just take the chocolate and in-shower Veet (which is another story, very impressed, very smooth legs!) and not worry about the wine as it was a whim anyway.
And that was all fine. Until I was driving away and realised that they were attempting to claim that I looked 17. Or younger. Which just isn't believable really. Really.
The obvious conclusion to draw from this being that 17 is now too old...ahem.


Anonymous said...

So we're almost a decade older than "too old"?! Oh my word. That is bad. A lollipop lady helped me to cross the road a couple of months ago - I shared this with Clurble and the same thing had happened to her! Whilst I had decided that it was down to my youthful appearance that the lollipop lady offered her services, Clurble had assumed that she just looked clueless...
Marvellous post, Furry Jen! Marvellous!

Amy said...

Eh?! I was anonymous?! Strange! It was me, everybody! x

AdventuringJen said...

Even weirder is that I saw it yesterday and it was you...but I wasn't allowed to comment on my own blog...and now it has decided you are anonymous...I think blogger is coming down with end of year stress...
Very amused by Clurble assumption that she appeared clueless! Tis a great attitude to have for life! :) And thank you, I aim to please!

Kezzie said...

Wahey!!!! Looking 17! That's fab!!! and just think, you saved that wine money! (sorry, popped in from Welsherella's blog!)

AdventuringJen said...

Don't be sorry! Lovely to see you here :)
And yes, the money saving element was a big bonus, seem to be lacking in self control at the mo!!