Thursday, September 21, 2006

3 Things?

Well, as I'm feeling like typing but have had a rather uninteresting day for repeating (but actually work was quite good), I shall do this that Welshy tagged me to do a few days ago...
(But I'm returning to the Three Things rule...!)

1. Three things that scare me:
Places/spaces when I am not in control
Mice (especially near my head when I'm in bed...)
Husbink navigating

2. Three people that make me laugh:
Eddie Izzard
Philip...not many of you know him...Ruthie G does..."My wife went to Dorset..."

3. Three things I hate the most:
Wet toilet seats
People who try to take advantage of you (like the removal men...anyone who hasn't heard that story, do let me know, I'm dying to rant all over again!)

4. Three things I don't understand:
Mathematical Biology (not that this matters greatly in my life anymore, I just remember the complete confusion before dropping out of that course!)
Why I can't find the perfect thing to do with my life
Why Husbink puts up with me

5. Three things I'm doing right now:
Drinking peppermint tea (with aid of shiny new teapot :) )
Trying to stretch my back after a day of bad posture at work
Thinking I should really be getting ready to go to bible study at church

6. Three things I want to do before I die:
Find out what it is I want to do with my life and do it for a while!!!
Write something readable
Be a grandmother

7. Three things I can do
Acquire marriage proposals for my chocolate cake
Reformat forms in Word til the cows come home (current job)
Make Husbink laugh

8. Three ways to describe my personality:
Loopy (in a number of ways)
(Husbink's three were: Hearty, Comely and Wenchly. I'm not sure he was describing my personality!) (He's reading a book in medieval history...)

9. Three things I can't do:
Cope with ill people (that's why he's the doctor)
Shop for hours on end (the drop comes way too early for me these days)
Play the piano as well as I'd like (or used to)

10. Three things I think you should listen to:
Carmen (but maybe that's actually see)
Terry Wogan (as much as I tried to give different answers to Welshy, this one had to stay!)
Me! ;)

11. Three things you should never listen to:
That country song that radio 2 loved for a while...the "hell yeah and ya haaa" song
metal spoons on saucepans

12. Three things I'd like to learn:
to knit
to bake well enough that I could make up cake recipes
more bible

13. Three favourite foods:
Hummous and pitta

14. Three beverages I drink regularly:

15. Three shows I watched as a kid:
Cities of Gold
Why don't you

16. Three people I'm tagging (to do this):
Having such a wee blog community and knowing that two of you have already done has to be Snoo and Mad Medea. And Ruthie G. Who I don't think has a blog...


Mad Medea said...

You so can cope with ill people - you cope with me all the time.

Challenge of the three things undertaken although I think I missed where this thing first came from!


AdventuringJen said...

Well...maybe I should have specified more the kind of ill's more the whole vomit thing and although you did threaten once you never have so I can still cope! :)
Look forward to seeing your three things...

Anonymous said...

I've been tagged! Does that mean I am 'it' or maybe have the lurgy? I need help - how do I do my three fav things? Do I e-mail you or do them here?? So confused!

Love Ruth :)

AdventuringJen said...

Hello lovely G! I think it probably is quite like having the lurgy...! The aim is that you do them on your blog...which is why I wasn't sure that you would do them due to not being aware of your blog? So you could just share any particularly entertaining ones with us...