The Adventures Begin...
Mostly the adventures begin with attempting to create a blog that a) others like using (apologies to those who have been distressed by the badness of the previous blogging landscape - let's hope this is happier) b) I like using c) is suitably reflective of the mood/nature of the times... And this is where I really hit my first problem. By having started out with a bold title involving adventures, I then baulked at whether I could really set up a pink blog. Adventure. Pink. Adventure. Pink. I decided no. For now!
You see, I discovered a month or so ago (and have been adding to this discovery ever since by means of telling people this story) that not everyone realises that I have a pink kitsch (sp?) side. And indeed, not everyone, once this has been pointed out to them, appreciates pink in the same way as I do. I'm not a girly girl. But pink kitsch. It's so good! Which is why, in San Francisco last week, I HAD to purchase the baby-pink hoodie with the baby-blue "San Francisco" across the chest. HAD to.
So now that the preliminaries are done, some of you might want to know what is going on in the world of Jen (and perhaps also the world of Andy) now...
We've arrived in the lovely area of New Zealand known as the Hutt. (MANY people have enjoyed all the various Jabba-related jokes/oneliners/brief asides that this can lead to...) We have had a week of exploring (there has been a lot of exploring of cafes and we have almost learnt that portions here are as big as the US and so we really don't need wedges and sour cream with a salad...) which may have led to a place to live. But may not. The paperwork isn't going to go through until Tuesday now and the flat can be stolen from under our nose at any time we gather. Which maybe it should be. It isn't the cheapest place in the world but it is perhaps the most beautiful flat I've ever seen. And if you crane your neck just right, there IS a sea view from the bedroom window! The flat is actually across the bay from the Hutt in Wellington (oh capital city, half the size of Leeds!) and the life looks good over there. But the public transport is not so good so Andy is definitely needing a car for work. Grr!
There does seem to be one thing after another that needs sorting with no sign of relief but I'm sure we will get there soon and start to properly enjoy this green and pleasant land to which we have escaped. (Major bonuses so far: lack of bureaucracy (except in rental market); hills, right there!; clear blue water in the it's freezing at the moment but it still looks good!; wine. wine. wine. wine. Lindauer for all of $10. Montana for all of $12. And then there are all the rest that we don't know yet. We've been introduced to Squawking Magpie wine which was very tasty and look forward to further forays!)
Which probably brings me to the end of the burbles for now. Apologies that for a while this is going to look a little stark. Until we've got our laptop hooked up again, getting pics on isn't giong to be the most straightforward thing...
Tally ho...
Ooh! Such a good post I need to reply in list form!
1) Hurrah for kitch pinkness - I knew, I knew, I knew!
2) Hurrah for new blog - so much more exciting and worthy of adventuring blogness - shout if you need any help (P and I are experts now!)
3) Hurrah for beautiful scenery and nearly-there sea views... mmm... I want to visit (stay longer, yes?! Can't believe I'm asking you to stay away longer!)
4) Hurrah for God sorting out the little things that crops up. Good like that, isn't he?
5) General hurrah for Jen having a girly blog! (Praying for laptop swiftness)
Hurrah indeed!
Though I will have to do a big post now to explain some more hurrah and some less!! Wurble!
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