Thursday, March 25, 2010

"A lovely mummy-shape"

The other day I did a very swift bit of clothes shopping with Husbink and Baby-boo in tow. I'm pretty bored of my maternity clothes but there's no way my pre=pregnancy clothes are fitting me. probably ever. Anyway.
I'd been feeling pretty good in my skin for a bit so was a little too enthusiastic over what size was going to fit me, going for only one and a half (I used to be between sizes) sizes larger than then i had to "upgrade" everything I took in...
When trying on one shirt in the larger size, Husbink was trying to encourage me that I kooked good and in the process uttered the title of this post:

You're a lovely mummy shape now. You look great...but if you want to go back to before it's going to take serious effort...

The thing is, I didn't take a neurotic female response to this. I heard the "you're a lovely mummy shape" and enjoyed it instead of turning ound and saying "you calling me fat?" I've never been too awful on the physical self image front in that I've just not been that bothered(come on, you've seen my hair...) but it did just make it obvious to me that what I require now is not ego-boosting on the physical but ego-boosting on the mummy skills. I regularly have to point out to Husbink that I need my kudos now...for looking after Baby-boo, managing to get dressed, feeding all of us, getting a load of washing done, a little bit of washing up...whatever it might be... The goals in life have definitely changed. On the one hand they seem kind of miniscule - well done for getting up - on the other hand they are huge - well done for keeping Baby-boo alive and happy...


Mad Medea said...

yeah for mummy shapeness - and for such a rapidly growing baby. He's huge!

suncloud said...

lovely lovely pic

Sophie's Mummy said...

well said my lovely!

AdventuringJen said...

:) I'm a bit lousy at replying to comments these days but I appreciate them very much! ta!