Saturday, March 14, 2009


There are times when you simply have to be proud to be human, proud to belong to the people that you do. One such time for me was last night watching Comic Relief.
I get a lot of whiners at work. People who complain about everything, especially money. Last week seemed to be full of them. They only see the bad and they are so unbelievably selfish as well. Our shop is not cheap, people who shop with us are pretty well off, not just in the grand global scheme of things but in the UK scheme of things too. And yet they whine and whine and whine. So I start to think the worst of people.
Then you see that Comic Relief raised a record breaking amount of money. £57million on the night, up to £59million now. People aren't all bad. People are prepared to reach into their pockets to help other people. This was a good thing to be reminded of!
The other thing that I really enjoyed about it was the whole celebrities prepared to make prats of themselves thing, like teachers at the end of term or leaders on the last night of a holiday club... It somehow makes you feel part of something, which is also a very good thing. And something, as I think I've mentioned before that is seriously lacking in our communities these days. I feel more part of a radio show audience than I do part of my street. If that makes sense.
Anyway, all round, it was an uplifting thing. An uplift I need to take with me over the next few days.


Unknown said...

Yes, and no. It is good that almost £60m has been raised for comic relief. In perspective though, this is £1 per member of the population of the UK. Would be fascinating to find out the breakdowns of giving against various criteria!

Ruth said...

I cried every morning for about about a week as a member of 'that radio station', I was so moved. And last night I finally managed to watch the mountain climb video and cried so more. The things people put them through for others.

AdventuringJen said...

Simon - valid point. But still an increase on prevoius donations. They did say that one unnamed, non-celebrity gave £6mil which takes out quite a bit to be spread around others. I suppose the other thing is that a big chunk of money was raised through purchases so people are still getting something back.
Something that I noticed this year as different to previous years (but having missed the 07 one may have started then) was a lot of thanking of people who supported CR - Lenny Henry helped out in Sainsburys in Leeds by letting people be pampered while he did their shopping, Dick & Dom went to Oxfam in, umm, somewhere else and caused lots of silliness and fun... Which is good for the community spirit thing but intriguing for the donation thing.
Ruth - Yup. :) I thought something that was very well done was that ?most? of the mountain climbers had also visited projects so they had something very tangible to think about while climbing. And most of the presenters also had visited projects rather than just "doing their bit on the night"

Kezzie said...

Yes, I agree comic relief was fab! And very funny! I enjoyed the Apprentice and numerous other bits!
Hello by the way, I was sifting through my blog archives looking for something I'd written and remembered your blog,which I read for a while from Welshy's!