Hello there...
So I'm awfully behind on actually writing all the posts that are in my head, particularly the three lakes we've ticked off since the last time I did a lakes post...ho hum.
But the post that wins for today is this...
In New Zealand, you don't get those really, really, really dark winter days that you get here. Even right down south it isn't as dark as most of the UK and certainly not as dark as Leeds was in the run up to Christmas.
The flip side of course is that you don't get those light, light, light evenings that you do here. And since I'm living the furthest north that I ever have it is quite an adjustment.
We haven't had the most amazing weather in the evenings here of late and yet it simply doesn't get dark. It is a little dingy this evening but I know that if I succumb and crawl into bed around 10.30 tonight without waiting for Husbink to get back from cricket, I'll switch the light off and...well, not a whole heap will happen. It'll be shady but the twinkle stars a previous occupant of the room kindly left on the ceiling will be struggling to be more visible than they are during the day.
It is brilliant. I love the long evenings and I'm getting used to the light mornings (it does seem like we only get about three hours of proper dark here at the mo but I'm sure it is a little longer than that...) and not waking up at 4.30am but as yet I don't feel like I'm making the most of it. At this time of year, I always feel the rush of June 21st upon me. I desperately want to make the best use of all this lovely light that we have so that I've got it stored up for December. I always think this will be the year that I decide to see ALL of the longest day, sunrise to sunset...but somehow it always falls on a day when I can't just set the alarm for crazy-o-clock. Next year... :)
Yeah yeah yeah!!!!!!!! I loved that about living up in Newcastle! You could go for midnight walks in summer and not need a torch and it never got pitch black. Wonderful.
Longest day. Crazy o'clock! Ok now I want do that!
It comes too soon doesn't it? I hate thinking of after that - the days getting shorter.
I'm having issues... I'm in Salford this week. which while not as northern as you are, or even I have been previously it is meaning I am finishing work and its still kinda light outside which is weird.
The morning bit is not so good... where I'm staying has blinds that stop next to no light... so i'm waking up every hour from 4am ... grr...
Snoo - I really want a beautiful sunny night on Saturday so we can walk and and good! Short days...I like one or two of them, just before Christmas but then they go on a bit too long!
suncloud - hope you've had more sleep now! I've had to get used to our very pale curtains...
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