The Bleugh Monster
Yesterday and today, the Bleugh Monster has struck. The Bleugh Monster has been known by a number of names in the past, including Jeremy (I can't remember why anymore, and I must send sincere apologies to anyone called isn't really fair.) Anyway, Bleugh Monster is at least a little more descriptive than Jeremy.
Yesterday, the Bleugh Monster turned up about half an hour after I got up. I knew he was on his way but he didn't seem to be causing too much issue. All of a sudden, wham, he was right there and I was lying on the floor, at Husbink's request narrowly avoiding a proper faint. I was so pale I'd turned a little green. I had no pulse at my wrists and when Husbink did finally find one it didn't make him very happy.
After a while on the floor I managed to make it back to bed, after a while in bed I managed to make it upright for long enough to be taken to the inlaws for the day so that someone could keep an eye on me the Bleugh Monster. I spent all day on the sofa, much of it asleep. I had to call in sick because of the Bleugh Monster. That is not something I find acceptable.
This morning...I felt ok. Fortunately it was a day off anyway. I got up with Husbink, saw him off to work and chilled out for a few hours, the Bleugh Monster hovering about but not making much impact. Until I tried to do a few too many things at once and there I was having to lie on the floor and stick my feet in the air again.
I've been upright for all of half an hour now and guess what? I need a lie down. It is a year tomorrow since I had surgery. I'd hoped the Bleugh Monster would be held down to only a bleugh monster for a little bit longer but apparently not. Now when we move to Yorkshire I'm going to have to look for jobs that don't mind that there are 2-3 days a month when I simply cannot work. On top of all my other ideal elements to a job, I think I'm going to be more than lucky to find something.
Stroky stroky knees :( The Bleugh Monster was still Jeremy for me until Liz got married to Jeremy and it really didn't seem right... Anyway, huge hugs xxxxx
hope things are less nasty soon...
Poof and nerf to the bleugh monster.
Similar thoughts about finding a job - when it's time. Do jobs like that exist? Where they are ok with you suddenly being blargh and off work randomly with probably regularity? I don't know. If I find any I'll let you know!!
Only other option is to never ever be bleugh (or blargh) again!! I vote for that! *hands up*
Oh dear! I hope things improve soon and that you manage to get rid of the monster. Take care, and drink lots of yummy tea. I'm not sure if that helps medically, but it certainly warms your insides xo
le welsh - heh heh, yes I recall that being a trauma!! xxxx
suncloud - less nasty now :)
snoo - precisely. (poof and nerf to the bleugh monster!)
I don't think jobs like that exist as the norm but they do exist. all about people I suppose...never being bleugh! hurrah! hands up! xxx
rosanna - tea is good :) O bought new tea yesterday, yay!
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